Clan Quotes

"Even a man who is pure in heart
and says his prayers by night
may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
and the autumn moon is bright."

The Hunters Moon

Blood red in the night sky, Pure and bright, Guide my arrow straight and true as I try To keep promises made, before I can sleep this night,

Let the silver find heart of the creature My prayer, my promise, my faith, Has always been my teacher, Let my shadow fade from undead sight and be as the wraith

© Copyright New Marais

"And, after all, what is a lie? 'Tis but
The truth in masquerade."

The Six Traditions of the Masquerade
  1. The Masquerade: This Tradition is the cornerstone of the Camarilla and its most inviolate law: no Cainite can tell mortals about vampires or otherwise show mortals that vampires really exist.  Most Kindred who break the Masquerade are put to death and it is very difficult to get any other sentence.
  2. The Domain: Once upon a time and for many centuries vampires lived as lords and ladies, with various holdings under their control.  This Tradition comes from those older times when vampires were like kings while they were in their own domains.  In the modern world the average vampire can't claim a domain because the prince has claimed the whole city as her domain.  A few elders are able to stake their claims if they are powerful enough.
  3. The Progeny: This Tradition states that a Cainite has to get permission from their "elder" before they can Embrace anyone.  Until the last few hundred years, "elder" meant sire, so vampires had to ask their sires for permission; lately, princes have insisted that they are the elders that need to give such permission.  If a vampire disobeys and creates progeny anyway they will likely face exile or death, and their childe will suffer the same punishment with them.
  4. The Accounting: In short, this Tradition makes sires completely responsible for their childer.  Until a childe is officially released and accepted in their city, they are pretty much treated like children - they are the property and the burden of their sires.  If a childe messes up, the sire is considered to be the one at fault and is open to punishment.  This tradition keeps a lot of vampires under their sire's thumbs and has probably led to a lot of mistreatment but it also helps to keep the elders in power. 
  5. Hospitality: Vampires are supposed to announce their presence when they go to a new city and princes can be quite irate if proper presentations are not made.  While princes do not often turn Kindred away, they do insist on knowing who is in their city.
  6. Destruction: The last Tradition used to give sires the right to destroy their childer and no one else but lately princes claim this right.  This means that vampires in a city are not supposed to go around killing one another, at least not without the prince's permission.  In practice, Kindred kill each other all the time under the prince's nose and take great pains to cover their activities.  If they are caught, chances are the prince will have them destroyed, but if they are crafty enough they can be rid of their enemies.

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