Welcome to New Marais. If you are looking for the hot spot that would be the Rose and Thorn . It opens every night about sundown. located near the heart of the city you can find  some of the cities most important people there.

The Rose and Thorn: a purple dream or nightmare depending on your place in the undercity. The Prince's castle located in the very heart of NM.  (City map coming soon)

  • You can’t use an action that isn’t covered yet by your sheet. Don’t worry you will be able to buy more as we go along with your XP. You earn XP in play not by kills but by the way you play your character. I have no idea what your character’s personality is like, you do, develop it. If the Vamp is a sour puss then play it like that. Made it frown and sneer at anything that it feels is beneath it. Just an example ok?
  • As you use certain skills, such as a fight, it costs blood points, everyone starts out with a grand total of 8 BP, and you will lose bp so think about what you are doing. Say you started a fight and the other vamp or whatever just hit you for 4 turns, you just lost 4 bp. This all depends on the roll of the dice You replenish by feeding. You will rp that out. Please keep track of how much bp you have. As you level up your starting pool will be higher.
  • I am rather lax on rules in most cases but just so you know the one I will enforce is the IC/OOC rule. Another is the kill rule; you may not kill another character without expressed permission from ST. If one is incapacitated in rp they are in toper for the scene not dead, a kill as in final death has to be part of the SL and played out in full.
  • If you make a character it must be on the list, these are the Kindred that are allowed in this city. While there are some that will be allowed for a SL you must have expressed permission to make one.
  • And please remember this is the most important rule in all the world of darkness it’s your game and it is a game so have fun.


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What Clans are allowed ? 
Can I play a Baali / Werewolf / Methuselah / God like Sabbat / etc. / etc.?
  • Please consult the character creation guidelines. And a word of warning - before you get your hopes up, we require first-time players to start with a standard character. Prove to us you are the best roleplayer since sliced bread, and then we'll talk about your "less than normal" character concepts.



The thirteen clans were started by the Antediluvians in the dawn of history. In a few cases, fourth generation vampires rose up and diaberlized their sires, stealing their power and becoming third generation themselves. To be considered a clan, a group of vampires must come from a member of the third generation; they also have to share clan disciplines and a clan weakness. If an Antediluvian dies, then any clan they created is relegated to bloodine status. Some bloodlines actually started because powerful members of the fourth generation changed the clan disciplines and weakness they passed on to their childer. Other bloodlines started because of vampire experiments. Most clans are known for Embracing certain kinds of people and being interested in specific things, and the stereotypes are just truthful enough to be useful. And a clan becomes a vampire's new family in more ways than one. First, vampires don't choose which clan they belong to; their sires choose them. And secondly, vampires don't choose who's in a clan with them. If anything, vampires take "sibling rivalry" to new heights. And last, clan ties are forever; even a rebel will still have the same special weakness and disciplines. While there are a few, rare exceptions to these rule, they are so rare as to be beside the point.

For now these are the clans allowed in this City.

Clan Toreador

The Toreador are a clan of vampires known for being some of the most beautiful, sensual, seductive, emotional and glamorous of the Kindred. They are responsible for the legends of vampires who seduce and entice their prey with beauty, love and sensuality. Famous and infamous as a clan of artists and innovators, they are one of the bastions of the Camarilla, as their very survival depends on the facades of civility and grace on which the sect prides itself. Due to their inherent clan weakness, although lovely and seductive, the members of this clan are as much prisoners of their artistic vision and sensitivity as they are its beneficiaries. They are often overcome by the beauty they see around them and can become immobilized with fascination. Such things as paintings, neon signs, or even sunrises can captivate them. It requires a successful Willpower roll to break the fascination quickly; otherwise, the Toreador will stand, awed and helpless, for minutes or even hours. This trait explains why Toreador so often fall in love with mortals and other vampires. This trait, however, also bans them from ever reaching perfection in their chosen form of art and makes them callous and disregardful once the experience becomes banal, resulting in trails of heart-broken mortals and discarded projects behind every Toreador.

The Toreador play their games as they always have, albeit at a slightly more frantic pace due to the upheaval of the various skirmishes the Camarilla have fought. The recent innovations of cinema, television and the internet means that new forms of art and expression are being discovered almost daily, meaning the Toreador have become even more varied. However, the Toreador are still a noble and aristocratic clan, and many perceive the Embrace of graffiti artists, Wall Street Wizards and CGI technicians as a pollution of the vaunted ideals that the Clan used to stand for. Many nights are filled with one Toreador bickering with another over what can be considered true art, and each Toreador's opinion is as varied as the definition of art itself.

Clan  Ventrue

Ventrue represents vampires at their most classy. As the most noble of vampires — at least they consider themselves to be — they infiltrate and use human government to maintain their power over other vampires. They’ve been a part of the Roman Empire, the British Empire, and pretty much all the empires in-between. The Ventrue are usually successful, rich, and in charge of vampire society called the Camarilia, which enforces the Masquerade, which is the social pact vampires have to keep their existence secret from mortals. Ventrue have the best “normal” set of powers in the game, including Dominate and Presence, which makes them the charismatic vampires who can make their enemies piss their pants in fear or make them fall in love with them even as they drain their blood. If Dracula were a Vampire: The Masquerade character, he should have been a Ventrue.

Clan Brujah

Typically described as the hotheaded rebels of the Vampire world, the Brujah seem to be an inexplicably popular choice among players. Possibly this is because the Brujah are the closest Vampire comes to having a basic “Fighter” class, whose powers include Potence and Celerity — super-strength and super-speed — which is good because Brujah are basically just thugs. They don’t really have a society to speak of, so they wander around, doing what they want, despite the fact its kind of hard to be a rebel when you’re still bound to the rules of the Masquerade that keeps vampirism a secret from the mortal world. Apparently, many Brujah are still bitching about the destruction of Carthage, where hey had their golden age. It was 2200 years ago, guys. Get over it.

Clan  Gangrel

Gangrel are among the best vampire fighters. Unlike the Brujah, their ferocity stems from their animalistic instinct and rage, rather than anarchic anger. Gangrel are loners and prefer solitude; they're also the closest to nature and the beast than all the other vampire clans. The Gangrel are considered the most feral and predatory of the Kindred, and because of their reclusive natures, animalistic tendencies and loose organization, are the least social of the Canities, preferring solitude to society. They also tend to be extremely territorial and possessive; to enter a Gangrel's territory without permission is certain death. They do have their role and reputation among the Kindred as fierce warriors, but to get a Gangrel to agree to work with others, even other Gangrel, can be a difficult, if not impossible, task.

Clan  Nosferatu

   The damnedest of the damned, the Nosferatu are disfigured and have a frightening appearance. This means that they can only use sewers, and should they be seen by humans, they will violate the Masquarde. Due to this however, the Nosferatu have become very gifted at sneaking and hacking, which means they have information on almost everything and everyone. They gather information not only as a means of survival, but out of pure pleasure as well. The Nosferatu are ostracized by other vampires due to their appearance, but also their ability to dig up dirt on everyone. This doesn't stop the leaders of other vampire clans to come to them when they need information, however. Unable to stay above the ground for long periods in fear of breaking the masquerade with revealing their appearance to humans, the Nosferatu have adopted the sewers as their home and use its multiple tunnels to get around Los Angeles without fear of being seen. It is because of this development the Nosferatu have acquired the nickname 'Sewer rats'. 

Clan  Malkavians

Malkavians are all clinically insane; the mental illnesses they suffer range from schizophrenia to near-catatonia. Strangely enough, they are a pillar of WOD; historically they've been Kindred seers and oracles, bound by strange insight and compulsions. This insight is reflected in the unique set of dialogue options (in a different font) for the Malkavians and encounters with NPCs that you'd never see with the other clans. Malkavians carry the curse of madness, each childe gaining a degree of insanity after their embrace. Their unhinged minds allow them to see things other Kindred cannot, a trait often referred to as the 'Gift of Insight'. A Malkavian's level of madness varies; no two Kindred of the clan seem to be the same, from emotionless sociopaths to raving lunatics and everything in between. Their blood can also pass this madness onto their ghouls twisting their mind and personality from the moment they ingest it.


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