
   Yasharin________(Sheriff)__________ Brujah  











N P Cs

  Alma______NPC (unknown element) 

    Tibous_________________NPC Hunter 

  Jamie Grindark ________________Hunter

Domonic Lord De Kavani of Constantinople

                 Wolfgang       Salem    Michael      

                  Yasharin                Vyke             name  

                 Mirrissia          Phillip      Sneak   

                  Megan                 Click      Isbell 

Gaia had three siblings … the Worm, the Wyld and the Weaver.

The Worm worked for destruction so nothing last forever.

The Wyld worked as chaos, bringing change to everything.

The Weaver worked on order, putting the patterns into the world, and everything was in balance…

but something happened and the Worm went mad, destroying more than it should have, and it started to tear the world apart…and now the lupines fight the worm, trying to save the earth. And that is one reason they hate us so… they see us as abominations and a minion of the Worm. There are a few among the lupines who fight for the worm…some who fight for the weaver as there are those who follow the Wyld, but all think they do what is right to save the earth. And on rare occasions lupines and Kindred can work together… Lupines are awesome warriors, their battle form is 9 to 12 feet tall and they are pure muscle. They move with the speed of a racing truck, sometimes much faster, their passion for their goals and beliefs I haven’t seen a match for. And their rage is just as intense,” And yet, over the centuries they have started to die out. This only makes them more desperate to get their job done. And this is what I remember of the story as it was told to me long ago. I ask once long ago why they die out and was told they die because the Apocalypse comes upon us… and if this is true…then may the gods have mercy on us all.


  • Ancilla: (plural: ancillae) A vampire not young enough to be considered a neonate yet not old enough to be considered an elder. Usually around 100-200 years old and of the 10th to 9th generation.
  • Amaranth: An archaic term for diablerie.
  • Antediluvian: One of the thirteen vampires of the third generation, from whom each individual clan is descended.
  • Beast: A term used to refer to the irrational predatory element of a vampire's psyche whose primary desires are to feed and kill. When "the Beast" takes control the result is either frenzy or rotschrek.
  • Blood Bond: A mystical emotional bond created by drinking a vampire's blood on three separate occasions. It creates a strong feeling of love and devotion in the drinker (referred to as the thrall) for the one whose blood he/she drank (referred to as the regnant).
  • Caine: According to legend, the first vampire, cursed by God for the murder of his brother Abel.
  • Cainite: Another name for vampire kind. Preferred by the Sabbat to the term Kindred.
  • Camarilla: An organization for vampires dedicated to keeping vampire-kind hidden from mortals.
  • Cathayan: Another name for the Kuei-jin.
  • Childe: (plural: childer) The offspring of a vampire created through the Embrace. Ex: Vanessa, by turning Cassandra into a vampire, has made her into her Childe.
  • Clan: A group of vampires all descended from the same antediluvian, who generally share similar characteristics and powers.
  • Diablerie: The act of killing another vampire by drinking out their soul along with their blood, and subsuming it into oneself. It is considered a heinous and loathsome act by most, although it does have the potential to lower one's generation. Elder: One of the oldest vampires, generally possessing great status and power. Usually over 300 years old and of the 8th generation or lower.
  • Embrace: The act of turning a mortal into a vampire. This is accomplished by draining all blood from the mortal host and then forcing them to swallow a few drops of your own vitae.
  • Frenzy: What occurs when the beast takes over in anger and a vampire flies into a fit of unreasoned violence.
  • Generation: A term describing how far removed from Caine a vampire is. It totals the number of embraces between Caine and the vampire in question, plus one. Ex: Caine's Childe would be of the 2nd generation (1 embrace + 1). That Childe's Childe would be of the 3rd (2 embraces +1).
  • Ghoul: A semi-mortal servant created by regularly feeding a human vampiric blood. In this condition, the mortal stops aging and might gain limited supernatural powers.
  • Haven: A safe place where a vampire regularly sleeps during the day.
  • Jyhad: A term for the general machinations of the elders and (at the highest level) antediluvians which involve the elaborate manipulation of their youngers. It also may refer to the war between the sects.
  • kine - domesticated bovine animals as a group, regardless of sex or age; , kine is a somewhat old-fashioned and derogatory term used by the Kindred to refer to mortals, referring specifically to the living as the herd upon which they feed. The expression “Kindred and kine” refers to all the people of the world, both living and unliving.
  • Kindred: Another name for vampire kind. Generally used by the Camarilla.
  • Kuei-jin: The mysterious Kindred of the East, or hungry dead. They operate differently from the Western Kindred, and do not claim lineage from Caine
  • Neonate: One of the younger members of vampire society, who generally have little political sway or power. Usually less than 100 years old and of the 13th to 11th generation.
  • Regnant: The dominant half of a blood bond who has had another imbibe their blood.
  • Rotschrek: What occurs when the beast takes over in fear and a vampire flies into a fit of unreasoned panic, trying to escape their surroundings at all costs.
  • Sabbat: A group of vampires dedicated to fighting machinations of the elders and Antediluvians.
  • . Sire: A relational term, referring to a vampire that has embraced somebody. Ex: Mortenda, by turning Lacrimosa into a vampire, has become her Sire.
  • Sword of Caine: Another name for the Sabbat.
  • Thrall: The submissive half of a blood bond who has imbibed a vampire's blood.
  • Vaulderie: A Sabbat ritual in which everybody present places some amount of blood (which may vary depending on their status) into a chalice and later sips from it. It creates the vinculum. Vinculum: The result of the Vaulderie which acts similarly to a blood bond, except that it is unbreakable and has many varying degrees of affection which it produces.
  • Vitae: Blood.
  • Ag: Short for Aggravated damage, the nasty hard-to-heal damage that is the result of sunlight, fire and twinky things.
  • Broken: Something that has managed to override that which should be the expected in-game limit of power. Twinky.
  • Cam: Short for Camarilla.
  • Chops: A term for the rounds of rock/paper/scissors used to determine the outcome of challenges.
  • FAP: A derisive term for the combination of the physical disciplines Fleetness, Aegis and Puissance. Discouraged here.
  • Fluffy Malk: Sometimes also referred to as a "fluffy bunny Malk." A member of clan Malkavian who is excessively or distastefully "kooky" and childlike.
  • Gack: To kill another PC. Gen: Short for generation.
  • GPC: A guided player character. Such characters are essentially PCs but must answer to and take direction from the STs with regards to how they affect the overarching game plot.
  • IC: Short for In Character. This refers to anything you say, do or know while acting out the persona of your character. The opposite of being OOC.
  • IC/OOC: The division between IC and OOC interaction and knowledge. Failing to keep them separate results in metagaming.
  • KOE: Short for Kindred of the East, the official term for the Kuei-jin.
  • LARP: Short for Live Action Role Play; any type of role-playing game which is played by actually dressing up and acting as your character.
  • Larptalking: Incessantly discussing the mechanics, politics and on-going story of a LARP with others, much to the chagrin of those not actually in a LARP, who have no clue what you're talking about.
  • LotN: Short for Laws of the Night, the core book necessary to understand the rules used in a Vampire: The Masquerade LARP.
  • Malk: A abbreviated and somewhat derogatory term for somebody of Clan Malkavian.
  • Mass Combat: An unpleasant event in which a large number of players are tied up in a combat situation and left unable to roleplay for about an hour. It is not fun. The last game of the year traditionally ends with one of these.
  • Meat Shield: A general roleplaying term referring to a physically-oriented combat character who keeps the puny mentally-oriented characters from getting killed.
  • Metagame: Broadly: to fail to maintain the appropriate separation between the in-game world (i.e. "fantasy") and the out-of-game world (i.e."reality.") This is bad. Conversationally, this usually refers to one specific type of metagaming: the use of OOC information in an IC setting or situation. Almost always frowned upon. Ex: If Debbie has causally heard around the lunch table that Stan, the guy that plays her character's arch-nemesis, is planning to have his character assassinate the Prince, Debbie's character cannot, once in game, accuse Stan's character of the plot and attempt to halt the assassination, as she only knows OOC what he is planning, and her character (IC) does not. Other examples of types of "bad" metagaming include: Becoming angry or otherwise unfavorably changing one's behavior towards or opinion of a player outside of the game because of something his or her character said or did in the game. Prioritizing in-game or in-character commitments above commitments in real life. Bringing real-life disputes into the game. Min/Max: To drastically attempt to maximize a characters positive traits to the point of being broken by causing them to have weaknesses in categories that don't really matter. A tactic used in powergaming.
  • MMN: Short for Malkavian Madness Network.
  • Mundane: During gameplay, the term mundane refers to anyone who is not involve in the LARP. This term is often employed by pretentious dorks, and is generally discouraged.
  • Narrator: Some who has been granted permission to run simple scenes, punch character sheets for will and generally help out. Unlike STs, however, they still may play PCs.
  • NPC: Short for Non-Player Character. A character controlled by the STs who may be used to add plot and flavor to the game. NPCs do not have to abide by the same rules of character creation and XP growth as PCs.
  • OOC: Short for Out Of Character. This refers to anything you say, do or know while not roleplaying. The opposite of being IC.
  • PC: Short for Player Character. Any character controlled by an individual player
  • . Powergamer: Somebody who attempts to make their character as efficient and powerful as possible through min/maxing or use of obscure merits and powers. Sometimes considered to be less focused on roleplaying, and hence a worse player.
  • RPG: - Short for Role Playing Game. Any type of game in which players assume the roles of fictional characters by acting out their motivations, backgrounds and personalities.
  • LARP and tabletop are two sub-genres of this type of game.
  • Rules Lawyer: Somebody overly well-versed in the rules of a particular game, who is better able to find obscure rules and techniques and exploit them to their advantage. Can also be used in a derisive way to describe an irritating player who delays the game by arguing with STs about trivial points in rulings.
  • ST: Short for Storyteller. The friendly and wonderful people who organize the game, run important challenges and play NPCs.
  • Tabletop: An RPG which is played around a table, in which players pretend to be their characters without use of costume. Tabletop games are often far smaller than LARPs and make use of dice to determine random chance rather than chops.
  • Thaum: Short for Thaumaturgy.
  • Torie: A abbreviated and somewhat derogatory term for somebody of Clan Toreador.
  • Twink: Twinked; Twinky; Something overpowed or overspecial. Ex: "Whoa man, look at my twinked out sword of explosive nuclear Armaggedon time-traveling fire!"
  • Warriador: A member of clan Toreador who is generally combat focused, often possessing high Celerity.
  • Wonk: Bizarre, unrealistic, off the wall plot or items that are often a result of crossing over various games, or a lot of using obscure things in conjunction. Ex: "It's a little wonky to have that Kinfolk Kithain Baali raised by mummies and tutored by all those ninja wraiths."
  • XP: Short for Experience Points, the basic currency of many RPGs with which you may buy skills and abilities. Some RPGs call it by other names.
  • Angstburger: An actual example of vampire slang introduced by White Wolf. It refers to a big chuck of angsty plot that a character must "chew" on. Ex: "Wow, after his entire mortal family was tortured to death by a Tzmisce and his puppy got lung cancer, Draconius has been munching on quite the angstburger."
  • Assbee: Level 6 Daimonion. Yes, it allows you to shoot bees out of your ass. No, it will never ever appear here.
  • Helsing: The best manga about vampires ever.
  • Jamalconda: The enlightened state of Zen-like happiness that Jamal Assara seems to have acheived.
  • Lore (Cheese): What the STs will buy for your character should you bank more than 10 XP
  • Loves Darren West: A slang phrase meaning literally "is a bitch." Because all the bitches apparently love Darren West. Applicable on multiple levels to Bojan Petrov. Ex: "Man you got pWned! You're totally loving Darren West right now."
  • Pleb Pit: A term for the main room of Elysium, in which most non-officer Camarilla characters spend the majority of the game. The pleb pit is generally filled with smalltalk, a few bored PCs sitting in a corner, and very little over-arching game plot. It can be very very fun or very very not fun depending on who provides the smalltalk
  • Rasputin: Infamously cited as one of the best examples of White Wolf inconsistency, Rasputin, according to canonical White Wolf books, is said to be a mage, a werewolf, at least three types of vampire and a wraith.
  • Rasputin of the East: Don't ask.
  • Sebau: A demon from the Egyptian underworld of Du-at, who takes the form of a winged serpent. They are capable of such things as harassing Assamites and fetching beer, 
  •  Thrallmaturgy: The discipline to be possessed by the malformed and hideous double-embraced childe of Adam Jones and Lillian Greer.
  • Whiner Diner: Where you go to eat your angstburger.

Lore: Camarilla

This Lore represents the knowledge of the laws, traditions and history of the Camarilla. Generally Possessed by: Camarilla members, elders, officers, Princes, Primogen, Sabbat infiltrators/tacticians

Lore: Camarilla x1

You have been told that the Camarilla was created for the purpose of protecting all Kindred from the threat of mankind through the institution of the Masquerade. You are familiar with and can recite the six traditions. You know that the Brujah, Ventrue, Malkavians, Noseferatu, Tremere and Toreador are the six Clans who are formally aligned with the Camarilla, and are aware that the Gangrel used to be the seventh. You know that each Camarilla Domain is ruled by a Prince, and that within that region his/her word is Law. You know that only the Prince can grant the right of Destruction, the right of Creation, and/or formal recognition within his Domain. You know all of the basic posts held under a Camarilla Princeship. These include: the Seneschal, who serves as the Prince's right hand and manages the mundane affairs of the Domain; the Keeper of Elysium, who is responsible for maintaining the sanctity of any given Elysia; the Harpies, who arbitrate and record status and boons; the Sheriff, who is responsible for maintaining the laws of the Domain; and the Scourge, who has the unpleasant task of tracking down and killing unrecognized Kindred within the area. You know that a Primogen stands as representative for their Clan in a Domain, and that an assembled Primogen Council advises the Prince on matters of State. You know about the existence of the Inner Circle, a secret cabal who supposedly comprise the ruling elite of the Camarilla; the Justicariate, a group of six representatives for the Camarilla Clans who form the public face of Camarilla authority and report directly to the Inner Council; and the Archons, spies, investigators and agents in the service of a Justicar. You know what that the Blood Hunt, also called the Lex Talonis, is an irrevocable decree which requires all members of a Domain to work to bring a Kindred to final death. You know about the tradition of Elysium, a location or group of locations that are considered to be under a "Pax Vampirica" of sorts. You know that Elysia are considered neutral ground and that no violence or destruction of "art" may take place upon such grounds. You know that a Conclave is a massive gathering of all Camarilla vampires in an area for a particular purpose, and that only a Justicar can call one. You understand the basic idea of the prestation system, and understand what boons are.

Lore: Camarilla x2

You have heard of the First Anarch Revolt, wherein neonate "Anarchs" across Europe rose up and diablerized or killed their elders, and of the Inquisition, and know that both the Sabbat and Camarilla formed as a result of them. You know that the Camarilla is a union of elders and Anarch apologists and the Sabbat are the remaining Anarchs who refused to capitulate. You also know that the Assamites were heavily involved in the affair, although they did not join either Sect. You know that several of the Traditions carry over from a time prior to the Camarilla's inception, where Domain was more of an individual affair, and hence have changed in interpretation over the centuries. You know in particular that the Masquerade was taken from the legendary Laws of the Night as prescribed by Caine. You can name all of the current Justicars. You know that they're ruling on Camarilla law is final, save for dictates from the Inner Circle, a mysterious group which allegedly also has one representative for each Clan. You know that the Inner Council meets once every thirteen years in Venice and that it is during this meeting that the new Justicariate is elected. You know how Archons usually operate, and know that each of them is attached (and according to some rumors also blood bound) to one particular Justicar. You know how the prestation system works in practice fairly well and have a good idea of what actions generally require what boons. You are familiar with the position of the Whip, a sort of vice-Primogen who serves as a general gopher for the Primogen they serve and helps to keep their assembled Clan in line. You know that diablerie is almost universally condemned by the Camarilla and that by the dictates of the Inner Council, the only time at which it is always acceptable is when the diablerist is the Sire of the victim, and the act takes place during a formal blood hunt. You know that exceptions are rumored to have been made here and there in instances of war. You have heard of the Red List, a compilation of Kindred wanted dead by the whole Sect (called anathema) who are considered to be under the Lex Talonis in every domain, and you know roughly whose on it. You know that the office of the Scourge is a relatively new one, and that it is rumored to be the result of increasing Noddist sentiment within the Sect. You have at least heard, in passing, of legendary Camarilla vampires, such as Hardestadt, the Ventrue elder credited with coming up with the original idea for the Camarilla, and Rafeal de Corozon, the Toreador who popularized the idea of the Masquerade in it's current former

Lore: Camarilla x3

You are cognizant of the details regarding the formation of the Sabbat and Camarilla, and have read the Treaty of Thorns, a document dating back to 1493, when the founding members of the Sect met near the village of Thorns with Anarch officials to officially end the Anarch Revolt. You hear that the Camarilla's formation was sparked by the attempted assassination of Hardestadt by a Brujah Anarch named Tyler, and you further know that the Camarilla was formed by the elders not only to provide a haven from the fires of the Inquisition but also in the hopes of subduing the rebellious Anarchs. You can name all of the original founding members of the Camarilla who were present for the formal formation of the Sect in 1450, and who comprised the original Inner Council. They are: Adana de Sforza (Brujah), Milov Petrenkov (Gangrel), Camilla Banes (Malkavian), Josef von Bauren (Nosferatu), Rafeal de Corzon (Toreador), Mistress Fanchon (Tremere) and Hardestadt himself (Ventrue). You have no idea if any of them still remain alive, awake and in power. You know that the Traditions (save the Masquerade) may, in fact, vary greatly in their application based on the whims of a particular Prince, although the Inner Circle and Justicariate always have final say. You know that the position of Prince was in fact a carry over from earlier times in which the eldest vampire would have a sort of de facto rule over a Domain, and that the post was formally ratified to be what it is today after an Anarch committed a gross breach of the the Masquerade in 1743, pampleteering publically against elder Kindred society. (The Anarch was naturally killed.) You know that the Primogen Council was based upon the Primogeniture Assembly established by Prince Jürgen of Magdeburg in the Dark Ages. You know that the role of Primogen within a Court can vary vastly from Domain to Domain, and that some Primogen Councils may rival the local Prince in power. You know all of the positions held in relation to Primogen and their Councils. These include: the Myrmidons, who acts a a Prmogen's personal bodyguard (You're aware that Myrmidon is an archaic word for Archon in some circles); the Scribe, who acts a Primogen's personal secretary; and the Steward, who tends to the meeting place of the assembled Primogen. You are aware that the Gangrel exodus was instigated by former Justicar Xavier, although his motivations still remain a mystery. You know the names of all of the founding members of the Camarilla who met at Thorns, as well as a few glimpses of their personal history. You are aware of and have read (if applicable) the Treaty of Tyre made with Clan Assamite and the Promise of 1528 made with Clan Giovanni. You are also aware that an initial offer was extended to Clan Setite to join the Camarilla but it was declined. You know that the nascent Camarilla was nearly destroyed in 1595, when Toreador Justicar Jean-Paul Pierre LaMont turned traitor and allied with the Sabbat. Apparently a covert attack was planned for a meeting of the Inner Council based on LaMont's information, although it was averted at the last second. You know that all Justicars must submit to an oath of station before appointment. You have heard political rumblings relating to the idea of appointing a seventh Justicar. You know that there is a heavily idealistic but very small bloc backing the assignment of a Justicar ex Miscellanea, who would tend to "minority" Clans, such as defected Setites, Samedi, Lasombra, Caitiff and such. You are also aware that the small defection of Schismatic Camarilla Assamites may have the clout to swing an Assamite Justicar. You know of a few of the more famous public Archons by name. You're familiar with the entire current listing of Anethema and, have heard that the Camarilla employs a secret group of Archons known as the Alastors to hunt them down. You know that this group was apparently founded in part by Justicar Lucinde. You have heard of a few other Archon groups in addition to the Alastors. You are aware of the informal "Dogcatchers" who specialize in Lupine surveillance and control, the E Division, which looks into paranormal and as of yet unexplained supernatural phenomena, the Josians, who are tasked with infiltrating and rooting out Gehenna cults, and the Quaesitors, a Tremere-only group of blood magic specialists. You know the various types of conclaves that are often called, and are aware that Princes and elders may be tried for crimes at some, although these are normally small affairs. You have at least heard, in passing, of famous Camarilla Vampires, such as: Karsh, the Gangrel "warlord" of the Camarilla and arch-rival to Xaviar; Queen Anne Bowsley of London, Prince of one of the bulwark Domains of the Sect, who managed to oust her also famous predecessor, Mithras; and Carlak, Prince of Prague, and a former candidate for Brujah Justicar.

Lore: Camarilla x4

You know that some Primogen Council's have members of non-Camarilla affiliated Clans appointed to them (most notably Gangrel and Assamites) and that in some rare circumstances, a Primogen Council (in this case called a jurta) rules a Domain in the absence of a Prince. You have a basic rundown of several Justicar's histories and personal leanings. You know that Cock Robin famously helped to depose the tyrannical Prince Warwick. You know that Paschek currently holds a private feud with Di Zagreb. You also know that Guil's past is sketchy at best... You are aware of some of the details regarding the deaths/disappearances of some of the previous Justicars. You know that Petradon (Nosferatu) was assassinated by an unknown party, and there is some suspicion on the Anarchs. You also know that Michaelis (Ventrue) was assassinated by the Setite Kemintiri, who currently heads the Red List. You know of several public Archons by name, including some fairly obscure ones. These include: Frederick Lilac (the Samedi Archon of Justicar Robin), and Ilyana Ravidovich, and Gracie Velasquez (Nosferatu Archon, great-great-grandchilde of DiPadua). You are aware of the title of Praetor as an imformal and temporary position of leadership amongst Archons. You know that Archon Bell held this position during the battle for New York, and that Archons DiPadua, Petrova, and Kleiss have also held the title. You know that the word "Archon" originally was introduced by a utopian Brujah movement back in the dark ages to indicate somebody who was the catspaw of an elder. You are familiar with the position of a Servire, an Archon's personal assistant. You know that many Archons start out their career as Servires. You are aware of the how the Alastors' function. You know that Alastors report directly to the Inner Council, and not to the Justicariate. You know the difference between a Red Alastor and a regular Alastor, and that all members of this order possess "the trophy" a symbolic tattoo on one hand. You are very well informed as to how Archon groups function. You know that the E Division is a recent branch instituated by former Tremere Justicar Schreckt, and that it is generally composed of younger Archons. You know that the Quaesitors are widely distrusted and that virtually none are permitted to serve under the Tremere Justicar. You have heard unsettling rumors relating to covert motives from the Josians... You have heard of "Dopplegangers," Archons assigned to undergo heavy conditioning and to impersonate Kindred surrounding targeted individuals or groups. You are familiar with the ability to call for "Trial by Ordeal" at a conclave, and know that one can always contest the decision through either completing an impossible task or beating a selected combatant in a duel. You have heard tell of gulags: underground holding cells, bomb shelters and caches where condemned Kindred are kept staked to be tortured or to await execution. You know that most Archons deny they exist. You have heard of the Boon Extremis, a boon which can never be repaid and is only offered in the most dire of circumstances.

Lore: Camarilla x5

You not only have a ton of info on each Justicar, but you can also generally name the all public Archons associated with them. You know that Streck often travels under the assumed name "Thomas Pynche". You know that Lucinde was Michaelis' former lover and that for some time she must have also paid her attentions to Kemintiri (who was impersonating him). You also know that the less that is said about Madame Guil and her lovers, the better... You are aware that there is a growing Noddist sentiment in the upper echeleons, and that many Camarilla elders take Gehenna more seriously than they are willing to give lip service to. You know that the Josians are also employed to retrieve data on the possible validity of Gehenna, and to keep it out of public sight. You have heard rumor that there was at one point a Sabbat infiltrator on the Inner Council, and that this drastically effected Camarilla politcs during the 18th century. You hear that this is the cause of at the death of at least one Justicar, although the matter has very much been hushed up. In spite of the general secrecy of the group, you are able to identify several Alastors, and you also know the technique by which they receive their tattoo. You have heard of "The Eyes", a secert division of Camarilla agents, who like the Alastors, answer only to the Inner Council and serve as their spies. You have a good guess as to who sits now on the Inner Circle and how they will move with regard to internal decisions.


WW XP Cost System

    • New Path 7 pts
    • New Discipline 10 pts
    • Attribute improvement current x 4 pts
    • Ability improvement current x 2 pts
    • Clan Discipline improvement current x 5 pts
    • Non-clan Discipline improvement current x 7 pts
    • Path improvement current x 4 pts
    • Virtues improvement current x 2 pts
    • Humanity improvement current x 2 pts
    • Willpower improvement current x 1 pts
    • Dramatic Damage I - Soak Values
    • This first table is a breakdown of useful ever day items, objects, and structures - showing the relative damage soak for each type.

Modern House Interior Door 3 Screen Door 3 Exterior Door 4 Metal Door 5 Window 2 Interior Wall 3 Exterior Wall -Siding 5Exterior Wall - Wood 6 Exterior Wall - Brick 7 Basement Wall 7 Floor 6 Vintage House Interior Door 4Exterior Door 5 Window 1Interior Wall 4 Exterior Wall - Brick 8 Exterior Wall - Wood 7Floor 7 Basement Wall 8 Commercial Building Interior Door 3 Fire Door 5 Glass Door 3 Window 4 Interior Wall 3Exterior Wall 7 Floor 9 VehicleSide Window 3 Front or Back Window 4 Body Panel 6 Roof or Hood 5 Door 7 Tire 4 Engine Mountings 5Firewall 6 Trunk Wall 4 Objects Table (break) 4 Chair (break) 2Dumpster (penetrate) 6 Lamp post (break) 7 Telephone pole (break) 7Sign Pole (break) 4 Tree - 3 inch (break) 4
Tree - 6 inch (break) 7 Tree - 12 inch (break) 10 Tree - 18 inch (break) 15 Tree - 24 inch (break) 20Special Armored Building Window 10 Armored Vehicle Window 8 Civillian Armored Vehicle 10 Military Vehicle 8 Military Armored Vehicle 12This second table is a rough rule of thumb for general materials - the soak values are based on an average quarter to half inch thickness. These values should be used sparingly, as several other factors will affect the overall Soak Rating of a given material. Superlight Plastics 1 Paper 1 Plasterboard 1 Cardboard 1 Balsa wood 1 FX Glass 1 Light Plastics 2Cork 2 Chipboard 2 Plywood 2 Veneer 2 Particleboard 2Ice 2 Cloth 2Bone 2 Plaster 2 Ceramic Tile Mid-range 2
Plastics 2 Concrete 2 Brick 2 Glass 2 Soft Leather 2 Horn/Chitin 2 Canvas 2 Wood 3 Reinforced Concrete 3Stone 3 Armored Glass 3 Heavy Plastics 3 Low-grade Alloys (i.e.: Bronze) 3 Hard Leather 3Plexiglass 3 Low-Grade Pure Metal (i.e. Aluminum, Tin) 3 Pure Metals 3Hi-density Plastics 3 Mylar 3Rubber 3 Nylon 3 Silk 3 Marble 4 Granite 4 Structural Nylon 4 Low-grade composites/Ceramics 4Advanced Plastics/Fibres 4 Industrial Silk 4 Mid-grade Composites 5 Teflon 5 Lexan-Polycarbonate 5 Mid-grade Alloys/Ceramics 5Kevlar 5 Construction-grade Steels 5 Carbon-Composites 6Mid-grade Crystals 6Corundum 6 Aluminum Alloys 6 High-grade Ceramics 6 Special Plastics 6 Mid-grade Steels 6 Laminated/Resinated Kevlar 6Spectra 6 High-grade Alloys/Crystals 7Advanced Alloys/Composites 7High-grade Steels 8 Special Ceramics/Composites/Fibres 8 Advanced Alloys 9 Advanced Steels 9 Advanced Crystals 10 Titanium 10Special Alloys 11Diamnond 11Special Steels 12Fibre-reinforced-Special-Ceramics 12Titanium Alloys 13 Special Crystal 14





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